Synthesizing structurally well-defined materials via coordination-directed molecular assembly has attracted and challenged chemists and material scientists alike. Biomolecules are fascinating materials as building blocks for constructing coordination polymers for several reasons: they are likely biocompatible as they exist naturally in biological systems; they often have versatile metal coordination modes; and they display molecular recognition and self-assembly inclinations that could, in the end, translate into exciting material properties. 1,2 Metal-biomolecule coordination chemistry is potentially useful for building crystalline solid-state materials that might show interesting structures and properties. [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11] In this study, we demonstrate the synthesis and characterization of zincadeninate coordination polymers with 0-D, 1-D, and 2-D structures. We describe methods for controlling the structure of these materials by applying different synthetic conditions and discuss their structural relationships.Adenine is a good candidate biomolecule for building coordination polymers via molecular assembly because it is small, rigid, and has multiple metal coordination sites. 1 While studying the coordination chemistry between adenine and metal ions, several interesting coordination patterns have been discovered. 12-20 One of the less common metal-adenine coordination modes is restricting metal coordination to N7 and N9 sites of adeninate while leaving N1 and the amino group uncoordinated to participate in hydrogen bonding, which can lead to hierarchically assembled structures ( Figure 1). 18,[21][22][23] To understand this coordination mode further, we explored the syntheses in which a mixture of adenine and zinc salts in dimethylformamide (DMF) and pyridine was prepared together and run under various conditions. As a result, we were able to prepare 0-D, 1-D, and 2-D coordination polymers with the same coordination mode.A discrete macrocycle (0-D) was synthesized and characterized. 18 A crystalline material, (Zn 6 (ad) 6 (py) 6 (dimethylcarbamate) 6 ) (ad = adeninate; py = pyridine), was prepared via a solvothermal reaction at 140 C for 24 h between adenine and zinc nitrate hexahydrate in DMF and pyridine. Single crystal X-ray diffraction data revealed that the macrocycle is composed of six adeninates and six Zn 2+ cations. Each Zn 2+ is bound to either the N7 or N9 position of two different adeninates. The imidazole rings of the adeninates bridge the Zn 2+ centers. In addition, each Zn 2+ is coordinated to a single carbamate anion and a single pyridine, which complete the tetrahedral coordination sphere ( Figure 2). The carbamate anion is formed in situ from the thermal decomposition of DMF. 24 The N7 and N9 of adeninate coordinate to the Zn 2+ , leaving N1 and the amino group available for hydrogen bonding. As a result, the cooperative adeninate-adeninate hydrogen bonding interactions induce self-assembly of macrocycles into an extended structure. Approximately 10.5 DMF molecules per macrocycle...