Deep classification tracking aims at classifying the candidate samples into target or background by a classifier generally trained with a binary label. However, the binary label merely distinguishes samples of different classes, while inadvertently ignoring the distinction among the samples belonging to the same class, which weakens the classification and locating ability. To cope with this problem, this article proposes a soft labeling with quasi-Gaussian structure instead of the binary labeling, which distinguishes the samples belonging to different classes and the same class simultaneously. Like as the binary label, the signs of labels for target and background samples are set to be plus and minus respectively to distinguish samples of different classes. Further, to exploit the difference among samples in the same class, the label values of samples in the same class are designed as a monotonically decreasing quasi-Gaussian function about Intersection over Union. Therefore, the corresponding response function is a two-piecewise monotonically increasing quasi-Gaussian combination function about Intersection over Union. Due to such response function, deep classification tracking trained with this proposed soft labeling achieves better classification and location performance. To validate this, the proposed soft labeling is integrated into the pipeline of the deep classification tracker SiamFC. Experimental results on OTB-2015 and VOT benchmark show that our variant achieves significant improvement to the baseline tracker while maintaining real-time tracking speed and acquires comparable accuracy as recent state-of-the-art trackers.