The hypothesis that there is a highly conserved, positively charged region distal to the second transmembrane domain in ␣-ENaC (epithelial sodium channel) that acts as a putative receptor site for the negatively charged COOH-terminal -and ␥-ENaC tails was tested in mutagenesis experiments. After expression in Xenopus oocytes, ␣-ENaC constructs in which positively charged arginine residues were converted into negatively charged glutamic acids could not be inhibited by blocking peptides. These observations provide insight into the gating machinery of ENaC.Liddle mutant; amiloride; inside-out patch; voltage clamp; post-M2 region LIDDLE'S SYNDROME is a form of hereditary hypertension produced by mutations within the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) (1, 17). These mutations result in constitutive channel activation. Both an increase in functional channel number and an increase in singlechannel open probability (P o ) have been reported (5-9, 14, 15). The initial description of Liddle's syndrome identified truncation mutations in the COOH-terminal polypeptide chain of the -ENaC (and subsequently the ␥-ENaC) subunit as being causative for constitutive channel activation (3, 5-9, 14, 15). We proposed the hypothesis that the COOH-terminal chains of  and ␥ could act as intrinsic channel blockers by serving as an inactivation moiety. Our evidence, obtained in both bilayers (7,8) and heterologous expression systems (9), supports this type of mechanism. We tested the hypothesis that the functional gating particle comprised the COOH-terminal tails of both the -and ␥-ENaC subunits associated as a two-strand, antiparallel -sheet. Support for this idea was threefold: 1) the inhibitory effects of adding COOH-terminal -and ␥-ENaC 30-amino acid residue peptides together with ENaC comprising wild-type ␣-and COOH-terminally truncated -and ␥-subunits produced a greater than additive inhibition of the channel; 2) circular dichroism studies showed that the 30-mer  and ␥ peptides formed a -sheet; and 3) when the isoleucines and valines within the 30-mer peptides were replaced by the -sheet, breaking amino acids proline or aspartic acid, the resulting peptides were unable to affect basalactivated ENaC (8). The paradigm that we have developed for ENaC gating is as follows. Because ␣-ENaC itself forms a functional sodium channel (4), there must be an intrinsic gating mechanism in ␣-ENaC alone. We hypothesized that calcium is intimately involved in this process and have presented evidence to this effect (2). The overall gating properties of ␣-ENaC vs. ␣␥-ENaC in bilayers do not differ (7). Because the elimination of the cytoplasmic COOH-terminal tails of either or both of the -and ␥-subunits substantially increases single-channel P o (5-9), there must be at least two separate gating processes, one inherent to ␣-ENaC alone and one conferred onto the complex by the -and ␥-subunits.To further elucidate the mechanism underlying the COOH-terminal -and ␥-ENaC tail block of ENaC, we tested the hypothesis that a highly conserved region...