DOI: 10.1016/0014-5793(78)80796-0
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Peptide mapping by limited proteolysis of four pyruvate kinase isozymes

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Cited by 17 publications
(8 citation statements)
References 15 publications
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“…The former sequence is identical with our predicted sequence, but the latter sequence has a few mismatches with ours, for some unknown reason. The carboxyl-terminal sequence is identical with that reported by Saheki et al [6]. The deduced amino acid composition of this protein is similar to that of the native protein [7] and the predicted amino acid sequence of L-type pyruvate kinase also shows about 68% and 48% homologies with those of the M I type of chicken [19] and yeast pyruvate kinase [31] respectively (Table 1).…”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 78%
See 2 more Smart Citations
“…The former sequence is identical with our predicted sequence, but the latter sequence has a few mismatches with ours, for some unknown reason. The carboxyl-terminal sequence is identical with that reported by Saheki et al [6]. The deduced amino acid composition of this protein is similar to that of the native protein [7] and the predicted amino acid sequence of L-type pyruvate kinase also shows about 68% and 48% homologies with those of the M I type of chicken [19] and yeast pyruvate kinase [31] respectively (Table 1).…”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 78%
“…The carboxyl-terminal sequence is identical with that reported by Saheki et al [6]. The deduced amino acid composition of this protein is similar to that of the native protein [7] and the predicted amino acid sequence of L-type pyruvate kinase also shows about 68% and 48% homologies with those of the M I type of chicken [19] and yeast pyruvate kinase [31] respectively (Table 1). The molecular mass of the L-type subunit, calculated from the cDNA sequence, is 58793 Da, which is very similar to the value determined by electrophoresis of the purified isozyme on sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel [61.…”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 78%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…Whether M and K subunits, nant PYmvate kinase form and synthesis of all three types of which are immunologically indistinguishable, are encoded or not ~hosphofructokinase subunits. These patterns are not profoundly by separate genes is still in dispute (6,7,17,21). For phospho-different from those observed in either adult or fetal kidney (Table fructokinase, we and others have shown that it is encoded by three 1 ).…”
confidence: 61%
“…As a result, our estimates of content are in error by the differences in mass between the two purified enzymes. Other workers have reported molecular masses for both Ml and M2 isozymes of 210,000-250,000 daltons (19,(24)(25)(26)(27). Rabbit muscle PyKi and PyKi precipitated from supernates of L2 by antibody covalently linked to acrylamide beads had identical mobility when examined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; therefore, errors resulting from differences in molecular mass must be quite small.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%