Metal and metal oxide chelating-based phosphopeptide enrichment technologies provide powerful tools for the in-depth profiling of phosphoproteomes. One weakness inherent to current enrichment strategies is poor binding of phosphopeptides containing multiple basic residues. The problem is exacerbated when strong cation exchange (SCX) is used for pre-fractionation, as under low pH SCX conditions phosphorylated peptides with multiple basic residues elute with the bulk of the tryptic digest and therefore require more stringent enrichment. Here, we report a systematic evaluation of the characteristics of a novel phosphopeptide enrichment approach based on a combination of low pH SCX and Ti 4؉ -immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC) comparing it one-to-one with the well established low pH SCX-TiO 2 enrichment method. We also examined the effect of 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoroisopropanol (HFP), trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), or 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB) in the loading buffer, as it has been hypothesized that high levels of TFA and the perfluorinated solvent HFP improves the enrichment of phosphopeptides containing multiple basic residues. We found that Ti 4؉ -IMAC in combination with TFA in the loading buffer, outperformed all other methods tested, enabling the identification of around 5000 unique phosphopeptides containing multiple basic residues from 400 g of a HeLa cell lysate digest. In comparison, ϳ2000 unique phosphopeptides could be identified by Ti 4؉ -IMAC with HFP and close to 3000 by TiO 2 . We confirmed, by motif analysis, the basic phosphopeptides enrich the number of putative basophilic kinases substrates. In addition, we performed an experiment using the SCX/Ti 4؉ -IMAC methodology alongside the use of collision-induced dissocia- Reversible protein phosphorylation widely regulates cellular functions through protein kinases and phosphatases (1, 2). Determination and a quantitative analysis of phosphorylation sites are a prerequisite for unraveling regulatory processes and signaling networks (3-6). The analytical methods of choice for characterizing protein phosphorylation have shifted from traditional methods such as radioactive labeling and gel electrophoresis to advanced mass spectrometry, a highthroughput technology (7). It has been estimated that ϳ30% of cellular proteins are phosphorylated during the life cycle of the cell (8). There has been a continuing intense focus on developing enrichment and phosphopeptide sequencing strategies to facilitate the large-scale profiling of phosphorylation events. Currently, one of the most commonly adopted strategies is the use of two sequential steps of chromatographic based separations; an initial fractionation step for reducing sample complexity and, subsequently, a more specific enrichment of phosphopeptides.Typically, low-pH strong cation exchange (SCX) 1 chromatography is used as the first step where peptides are fraction- 1 The abbreviations used are: SCX, strong cation exchange chromatography; Ti 4ϩ -IMAC, immobilized titanium (IV) ion affinity ...