The present experiment was performed to classify best combiner parents and cross combinations for developing accomplished hybrids for yield and quality components in tomato, using half diallel analysis for five parents and ten hybrids including; Super Marmande, Peto 86, Super strain B, Edkawy and Red Star. The results indicated that heterosis over high parent gave significant values in most crosses. The combinations of good combiner parental cultivar and best hybrids for each character were estimated according to the best GCA and SCA. Specifically, all the studied traits showed highly significant GCA and SCA values. Therefore, additive and non-additive gene actions were vital in the expression of these traits. Concerning general combining ability, it was found that ̔ Red Star̕ was the best combiner for plant height, number of branches, fruit length, number of fruit locules, and total fruit weight;̔ Peto 86̕ for leaf area index, fruit shape index and number of fruits per plant, ̔ Super strain B ̕ for T.S.S. and total fruit yield, and ̔ Edkawy̕ for number of leaves, fruit diameter, number of fruit locules and average fruit weight. The cross P1xP2 was found to be the best combination for plant height, (P1 x P3) for number of branches/ plant, (P2 x P5) for No. of leaves / plant, (P 1 x P 5) for total fruit yield and number of fruit per plant, (P 2 x P 3) for fruit shape index and leaf area index ,(P2 x P4) for fruit weigh/ plant, (P2 x P5) for fruit length and number of leaves / plant, (P3 x P4) for fruit diameter, (P3 x P5) for number of fruit locules and (P4 x P5) was the best combination for T.S.S. Effects of additive gene appeared to be more important than non-additive gene effect as reflected on plant height, No. of leave, fruit length, fruit diameter, T.S.S, No. of fruit locules, average fruit weight, No. of fruit / plant, and total fruit weight. However, it was found that nonadditive gene effect appeared to play important roles than additive effect for No. of branches and fruit shape index. In addition, both broad and narrow sense heritability values were high for all studied traits, indicating that all traits were highly heritable.