Purpose: This research aims to investigate Islamic Education supervisors' performance in enhancing teachers' professionalism in Madrasah Aliyah in the Gorontalo Province.
Methods: Employing a qualitative approach, this descriptive-analytic study involves 72 teachers and 8 supervisors from 32 Madrasah Aliyah. Primary data are gathered through interviews, observations, and questionnaires, while secondary data are derived from official documents related to education in the region. Using the Interactive analysis model, the results indicate a significant improvement in the supervisors' performance, characterized by a harmonious, cooperative, and partnership-oriented approach with teachers.
Result and Conclusion: The result of studies are that the performance of supervisors of Islamic Religious Education at Madrasah Aliyah in Gorontalo Province has experienced a significant increase. The supervision carried out is harmonious, cooperative, and prioritizes the concept of partnership with teachers. Supervisors not only act as superiors, but also as creative partners in providing guidance to teachers. An open attitude towards criticism and recognition of one's own shortcomings is a characteristic of the supervision approach carried out. The supervisory measures implemented to improve the professional competence of Islamic Religious Education teachers cover a number of aspects. Alignment of vision, mission and perception of implementation of supervision and Islamic religious education is the main focus. Creating a conducive work environment, building cooperation, guiding personnel, and increasing mutual commitment are also strategic steps in efforts to improve the quality of education. However, there are several internal and external obstacles that affect supervisory performance. Internal obstacles involve the awareness and responsibility of supervisors, professional abilities in supervision, and religious motivation which is still uneven. Meanwhile, external constraints involve teachers' attitudes towards supervision, differences in seniority, and welfare conditions that influence teaching performance. Supervisory facilities and infrastructure, unsupportive means of transportation, and lack of communication between parties are also inhibiting factors. Thus, it is necessary to take corrective steps and strategic planning to overcome these obstacles in order to increase the effectiveness of supervision and increase the professional competence of Islamic Religious Education teachers at Madrasah Aliyah in Gorontalo Province.
Research Implications: The implications of this research underscore the need for improvement strategies and planning to enhance the effectiveness of Islamic Education supervision and the professionalism of teachers in Madrasah Aliyah in the Gorontalo Province.
Originality/ Value: The results indicate a significant improvement in the supervisors' performance, characterized by a harmonious, cooperative, and partnership-oriented approach with teachers. Supervisory measures involve aligning visions and missions, creating a conducive working environment, building collaboration, and enhancing collective commitment. Internal and external constraints are identified as inhibiting factors that require remediation.