Urban forest has a function as CO2 emissions absorbers derived from human activities around the city. Universitas Indonesia (UI) Urban’s Forest is one of the Urban Forest which has potential carbon stocks. A study has been conducted to analyze the potential of carbon stocks and tree stands that have the highest carbon stock in UI Urban’s Forest. Tree stands are woody vegetation with a diameter ≥ 20 cm. The research was conducted in October-November 2017 in UI Urban’s Forest area covering three locations, west Wallace, east Wallace, and natural vegetation. Method of collecting data of vegetation was done by nondestructive sampling by measuring Breast Height Diameter (DBH). Data processing uses allometric equations with the specific wood density of each tree species. Results showed that the potential of carbon stocks in UI Urban’s Forest is 468.02 ton/ha with west Wallace, east Wallace, and natural vegetation are 138.62 ton/ha, 162.75 ton/ha, and 182.64 ton/ha. Overall, potential carbon stocks in UI Urban’s Forest is 11752.48 ton/ha. Species of trees with the highest potential of carbon stocks is Delonix regia.