This study explores the relationship between Entrepreneurship Education (EE) and Entrepreneurial Intentions (EI) using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). From January through May of 2022, students from 10 Chinese institutions were surveyed using an online questionnaire. According to the research, students' EI scores rose significantly after participating in EE. In addition, students in China had a more significant impact on EI regarding factors like perceived feasibility and desirability. This study extends the body of knowledge about the connection between prior exposure and early intervention (EI) by demonstrating the beneficial effects of PE on EI. In addition, the results suggest that girls have lower EI than males, which is good news for gender equality. Lastly, the behavioral entrepreneur attitude has a favorable correlation with EI. Policymakers and university administrators might use the findings to understand better how and when extracurricular activities (EE) improve students' emotional intelligence (EI). A pioneering empirical study in a developing South-Asian setting shows the relevance of EE on EI among students at private universities. According to the study, EE generates EI, and entrepreneurial enthusiasm is crucial.