This project focused on fostering resilience amongst cooperative higher education students as a necessary skill for success in academia, the workforce, and in life. There are five chapters in this project. Chapter 1 outlines the significance, background, and purpose of the project, as well as my personal location as a researcher. Chapter 2 presents a thematic and study-by-study literature review that explores cooperative education and its models as well as ramifications of student resilience in higher education. The literature review identified major themes of academic, career, stress/emotional, and communication/social resilience common to cooperative higher education students. Chapter 3 discusses the research methods, which were based on an educational qualitative orientation and content and documentary research designs. The process identified major themes of cooperative education program activities and subthemes of pre-employment training, the placement process, student interaction, evaluation, and policies and procedures; and types of resilience including subthemes of academic, career, communication/social, and stress/emotional. Chapter 4 presents a developed UNBC resilience framework that aligns cooperative education program activities with resilience themes, building strategies, and university agencies, and identifies outputs/competencies related to the impact of resilience on cooperative education students' academic and workforce success. Chapter 5 offers the project's summary, conclusion, and recommendations such as using individualized resilience coaching for student success, and further research on the impact of resilience on cooperative education student relations with employers and the impact of a resilience framework on cooperative education student alumni. iii