The key objectives of current empirical research study to examines the Factors making the change in the current academic performance of business students at the University level as a mediators role of Curriculum, English competency, Students Facilities, Faculty quality and Fee Remission. For this key purpose, primary data was collected by respondents via self-administrative questionnaire. Following econometric models have entertained to expose actual phenomenon: Reliability test was taken to test the consistency among the questions; descriptive statistics were used to determine the data visualizing and data normality; a correlation matrix was applied to quantify individual significance; the linear regression model was used to examine the per-unit and overall volatility in the model; mediation regression test was used for diagnosing the mediation effect and sobal test was used for robustness check of the mediation effect. The result indicates that the previous academic performance of students and the current academic performance of students have positively associated. Moreover, the consequences have acknowledged that the partially mediation effect of curriculum, English competency, Student facilities, Faculty quality and fee remission. This research study will be supported to the university administration for creating novel-legislation concerning uplift the academic performance of students.