Physicochemical and pasting properties of eighteen varieties of maize cultivated in Benin were investigated. Studied varieties were of various colors including red, yellow and white. Eleven varieties were more likely white, while all the white varieties had a yellowish saturation index. Moisture, fat and ash contents ranged from 6.09 to 11.57%, 2.87 to 12.54% and from 1.09 to 5.46% respectively. Varieties Gnonli and IWDC 2 SynF 2 showed respectively the lowest (22.58%) and the highest (26.86%) amylose contents. The pasting properties of the maize flours showed significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) between pasting parameters (peak, final viscosity, setback, pasting temperature and peak time) among the different varieties. The results of correlations between some physicochemical characteristics of maize and their pasting properties could be used to predict their behaviors and their potential for processing into different valuable products.