Health promotion materials for Indigenous peoples generally recommend that Indigenous people incorporate more "traditional" foods into their diets, referring to foods that are hunted, fished or gathered from the local environment. Little scholarly attention has focused on which foods Indigenous peoples themselves consider to be traditional, or the socio-cultural significance of their contemporary food patterns. The purpose of this project was to hear the voices of Indigenous peoples about the significance, meanings, and values of foods they eat, and what they consider to be traditional foods. Participants self-identified as Aboriginal people living in or near Terrace, BC were asked to photograph everyday foods, which were then used in semi-structured interviews. Themes identified in preliminary analysis were shared with seven of the original participants in a focus group. Key issues included barriers to access and use of locally gathered foods, and concerns about environmental contaminants in wild food. Participants spontaneously spoke of food in terms of health, but had to be prompted to discuss traditional food. While locally gathered, fished and hunted foods were clearly seen as traditional, the status of other foods was more contested. Case studies of specific foods revealed how participants imagined traditional foods, and also how these were combined with store-bought foods in inventive ways to produce culturally-significant fusion or hybrid foods. Our findings reflect the vibrancy and resilience of Indigenous cultures, and suggest that we reconsider some of the dominant assumptions that inform research and health promotion activities targetting Indigenous peoples.Keywords: Indigenous; qualitative research; traditional foods; fusion foods; cultural change; Northwestern British Columbia CFS/RCÉA Luppens & Power Vol. 5 No. 2, May 2018 143
IntroductionOne of the ongoing effects of settler colonialism on Indigenous peoples in Canada is disproportionately higher rates of chronic diseases, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease (Adelson, 2005;Reading & Wien, 2009). As a result, the diets of Indigenous peoples have come under increased scrutiny in efforts to find ways to decrease disease rates and increase longevity. Health promotion guidelines to treat and prevent chronic disease among Indigenous people generally recommend the inclusion of more traditional foods-foods that are available from local natural resources and possessing cultural significance (Earle, 2013;Willows, 2005). Traditional foods have been shown to be healthier and more nutrient-dense than store-bought, market alternatives, and an antidote to acculturative forces that are undermining Indigenous health, cultures, and foodways (Dietitians of Canada, 2012;Egeland & Harrison, 2013;Kuhnlein & Receveur, 1996). While health promotion recommendations urge Indigenous people to incorporate more traditional foods into their diets, we wondered what counts as traditional. This research began with the first author's observations as a dietitian...