“…Little IS known about the range of lay reachons to illness and forces which may shape these reactions There is a need to chart the dimensions of self-eare, and obtam information and msight mto existmg self-eare practices The essential eondihons to meet self-eare needs and ability to imhate and persevere m the self-eare proeess have been stated by Orem (1985) as 1 essential knowledge, skills and responsibihty for healtb eare needs, 2 suffiaent mohvation and energy to begm and contmue until the desired results are obtained, 3 plaemg a high value on health, 4 pereeption that new health behaviour wiU reduee vulnerability to illness MeCorkle (1983) supports the view that knowledge about one's state of bealth is a prerequisite for prachsmg self-care Rhodes et al (1986) suggest that anxiety at some levels may motivate self-eare Loeus of eontrol has been cksenbed as an important vanable (Keamey & Fleiseher 1979) but the researeh evidence is undear as to the exact relationship to self-care (Harper 1984, Dodd 1986,1987 Self-care ageney, 'the power of the individual to engage m estimahve and produehve operahons essential for self eare' (Orem 1971), has been explored by a number of wnters and a vanety of measurement tools developed to a lesser or greater degree (Hanson & Bickel 1985, Denyes 1982, Keamey & Fleisdier 1979, McBnde 1987, Riesch & Haueh 1988, Evers et al 1986 The performanee of selfeare has been postulated to depend upon adequate self-eare ageney, capability to respond to motivational cues and possessmg a readmess to act Its measurement m the cancer patient population has not been explored Self-concept is another phenomenon assoaated with self-care (Whetstone & Hanson 1989) but few pubhsbed studies exist outlmmg the relationships between the two concepts Keamey & Fleiseher (1979) found that a posihve relationship existed between self-care abihty and positive self-esteem, and Wbetstone (1987), as part of a crosseultural study, found that self-eare agoicy scores were posihvely related to overall self-concept scores Self-care agency is a constmct possessing great ccanplexity and much research energy is at present directed at unravelluî ts compcHients and relahonship with mulhple factors.…”