I am deeply grateful to the people who assisted me in my long journey to a destination that often seemed unreachable. As the end of this journey approaches, it brings along the end of my program of study. I might have given up half way if it were not for the encouragement of my major professor, Dr. Robert Martin, who has been a role model to me and by his sincere dedication as a scholar and teacher. He has inspired me to become a competent researcher and, more important, a caring individual in my relationship with peers and, more importantly, those with whom I have conducted field research. My deep appreciation is also extended to my committee members Drs. Mark Gleason, David Acker, Larry Trede, and Karen Kessel. Their guidance, resourcefulness and support as a team shaped my academic and professional development. Special recognition and appreciation goes to Dr. George Jackson, Associate Provost and former Dean of the Graduate College, and to Dr. Gregory Geoffrey, the President of Iowa State University, for funding my assistantships. Their financial support has made this journey possible. I am most grateful to my family members (and their spouses who are too numerous to list) for their encouragement and prayers: my mom, Miriam Wambui, dad, Simon Kagima,