Pavlovian conditioning is taken to reflect the formation of links between the central representations of stimuli. A link will be formed when presentation of the relevant stimuli is scheduled in a way that ensures that two representations are activated concurrently. Once this has occurred, a representation can be activated not only by the occurrence of the appropriate stimulus but also by way ofthe link. Evidence is reviewed to suggest that activation produced by this second route is, in some ways, functionally equivalent to direct activation; in particular, an associatively activated representation (an image) appears capable of forming further associative links with other event representations. Learning about associatively activated stimulus representations may playa role in a range of phenomena. Its contribution to the following is discussed: sensory preconditioning, second-order conditioning, acquired equivalence and distinctiveness, equivalence class formation, and the perceptual learning effect. Finally,consideration is given to the way in which existing theories of associative learning might be modified in order to accommodate this process.What may be termed the standard model ofclassical conditioning (Hall, 1994;Roitblat, 1987) holds that excitatory associations will be formed when the central representations of events are activated concurrently. These representations (or nodes; e.g., Wagner, 1981) are assumed, for the sake of theoretical convenience, to bear a direct relationship to the events described by the experimenter as stimuli. Thus, the node that corresponds to the conditioned stimulus (CS) will be activated when that event is presented to the animal; presentation of an unconditioned stimulus (US) will generate activity in a separate node corresponding to that stimulus. There is, however, a second route by which activity may be generated in a stimulus node. The existence ofan associative link between nodes functions, according to our standard assumptions, to allow activation of one node produced, for example,