“…This has also been a major point of argument among academics. Some scholars like Orji, Ogbuabor & Okeke (2018), Isibor, Olokoyo, Arogundade, Osuma & Ndigwe (2019), Aliyu (2011), Asher (2012), and Obansa, Okoroafor, Aluko and Millicent (2013), are of the opinion that deregulated or fluctuating exchange rage have positively influenced developing economies like Nigeria, while other scholars like Tams-Alasia, Okoye & Ejemegovwi (2018), David, Umeh and Ameh (2010), Eichengreen and Leblang (2003), Servén (2003), Arize, Osang, and Slottje (2000), and Eme and Johson (2012) strongly believed that deregulated exchange rate effects developing economies negatively. In view of this, this work seeks to carry out a pre and post deregulation analysis on some selected macro economic variables such as Balance of Payment and Real Sector performance proxied by Real Gross Domestic Product (RGDP) from 1960 to 1985 and 1986 to 2011, ie 25 years before and 25 year after deregulation in Nigeria.…”