Minimally invasive therapy in the urinary tract begins with renal access by means of percutaneous nephrostomy. Indications for percutaneous nephrostomy include urinary diversion, treatment of nephrolithiasis and complex urinary tract infections, ureteral intervention, and ne phroscopy and ureteroscopy. Bleeding complications can be minimized by entering the kidney in a relatively avascular zone created by branch ing of the renal artery. The specific site of renal entry is dictated by the indication for access with consideration of the anatomic constraints. Successful percutaneous nephrostomy requires visualization of the col lecting system for selection of an appropriate entry site. The definitive entry site is then selected; ideally, the entry site should be subcostal and lateral to the paraspinous musculature. Small-bore nephrostomy tracks can be created over a guide wire coiled in the renal pelvis. A large-diameter track may be necessary for percutaneous stone therapy, nephroscopy, or antegrade ureteroscopy. The most common extension of percutaneous nephrostomy is placement of a ureteral stent for treat ment of obstruction. Transient hematuria occurs in virtually every pa tient after percutaneous nephrostomy, but severe bleeding that requires transfusion or intervention is uncommon. In patients with an ob structed urinary tract complicated by infection, extensive manipula tions pose a risk of septic complications.