trial septal defect is the third in frequency of congenital cardiac disorder in adults following bicuspid aortic valve and mitral valve prolapsed.1 Serious and large ASDs are repaired by open surgery at operating room, while ASDs with small and medium diameter are closed by occluder through percutaneous transvenous way under scopy in catheter room and with echocardiographic imaging. ASD closing by interventional cardiac catheterization is preferred in patients with suitable defect anatomy due to requirement of shorter hospital stay, its administration under sedation and lack of need for sternotomy and cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). However percutaneous closing procedure has certain complications such as inappropriate placement of occluder, embolization and perforation which require emergency surgery. 2,3 In this report, we present a case of defect repair following embolization of septal occluder to arcus aorta and its surgical removal during closing intervention of an ASD of 28 mm.
51Emergency Care Intervention for Embolization of Atrial Septal Defect Device Implanted by Transcathater Method: Case Report A AB BS ST TR RA AC CT T Atrial septal defect (ASD) is a common congenital cardiac disorder in children, while it is the most frequently seen cardiac disorder in adults. During closure of ASD by an amplatzer septal occluder of 28 mm in a female patient aged 40 years old, embolization of ASD closure device was seen toward the left subclavian artery exit at arcus aorta. In this report, we present a successful emergency intervention following the embolization of ASD closure device to arcus aorta during percutaneous ASD closing procedure.K Ke ey yw wo or rd ds s: : Septal occluder device; atrial septal defect 2; heart defects, congenital Ö ÖZ ZE ET T Atriyal septal defekt(ASD) çocuklarda yaygın görülen bir doğuştan kalp hastalığı iken, yetişkinlerde görülen en sık doğuştan kalp hastalığıdır. Kırk yaşında kadın hastaya 28 mm amplatzer septal oklüder ile ASD kapama işlemi esnasında ASD kapama cihazının arkus aortada sol subklavian arter çıkışına embolize olduğu görüldü. Bu yazıda perkütan ASD kapatma işlemi esnasında ASD kapama cihazının arkus aortaya embolizasyonu sonrası gerçekleştirilen başarılı cerrahi tedavisi sunuldu.A An na ah ht ta ar r K Ke el li im me el