SUMMARYThe action of rain and surface runoff together are the active agents of water erosion, and further influences are the soil type, terrain, soil cover, soil management, and conservation practices. Soil water erosion is low in the no-tillage management system, being influenced by the amount and form of lime and fertilizer application to the soil, among other factors. The aim was to evaluate the effect of the form of liming, the quantity and management of fertilizer application on the soil and water losses by erosion under natural rainfall. The study was carried out between 2003 and 2013 on a Humic Dystrupept soil, with the following treatments: T1 -cultivation with liming and corrective fertilizer incorporated into the soil in the first year, and with 100 % annual maintenance fertilization of P and K; T2 -surface liming and corrective fertilization distributed over five years, and with 75 % annual maintenance fertilization of P and K; T3 -surface liming and corrective fertilization distributed over three years, and with 50 % annual maintenance fertilization of P and K; T4 -surface liming and corrective fertilization distributed over two years, and with 25 % annual maintenance fertilization of P and K; T5 -fallow soil, without liming or fertilization. In the rotation the crops black oat (Avena strigosa), soybean (Glycine max), common vetch (Vicia sativa), maize (Zea mays), fodder radish (Raphanus sativus), and black beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). The split application of lime and mineral fertilizer to the soil surface in a no-tillage system over three and five years, results in better control of soil losses than when split in two years. The increase in the amount of fertilizer applied to the soil surface under no-tillage cultivation increases phytomass production and reduces soil loss by water erosion. Water losses in treatments under no-tillage cultivation were low in all crop cycles, with a similar behavior as soil losses.Index terms: crop mass, water loss, soil loss, natural rainfall.(
RESUMO: EROSÃO HÍDRICA EM SOLO SUBMETIDO A DIFERENTES SISTEMAS DE CULTIVO, DOSES E FORMAS DE ADUBAÇÃO, DURANTE 10 ANOSA chuva e o escoamento superficial, associados, são os agentes ativos na erosão hídrica, a qual é influenciada ainda pelo tipo de solo, relevo, cobertura e manejo do solo e práticas conservacionistas. A semeadura direta é um sistema de manejo que apresenta baixa erosão hídrica, sendo influenciada pela quantidade e forma de aplicação de corretivos e adubos no solo, entre outros fatores. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da forma de aplicação de calcário, da quantidade e do manejo de aplicação de adubos sobre as perdas de solo e água por erosão hídrica, sob chuva natural. Este trabalho foi conduzido entre 2003 e 2013 em um Cambissolo Húmico, com os seguintes tratamentos: T1 -cultivo com calagem e adubação corretiva incorporada ao solo no 1º ano e com 100 % de adubação de reposição anual de P e K; T2 -cultivo com calagem e adubação corretiva parcelada em cinco anos em superfície e com 75 % da adubação...