In this paper we address the ratio of the shear viscosity to entropy density η/s in bosonic and fermionic superfluids. A small η/s is associated with nearly perfect fluidity, and more general measures of the fluidity perfection/imperfection are of wide interest to a number of communities. We use a Kubo approach to concretely address this ratio via low temperature transport associated with the quasi-particles. Our analysis for bosonic superfluids utilizes the framework of the oneloop Bogoliubov approximation, whereas for fermionic superfluids we apply BCS theory and its BCS-BEC extension. Interestingly, we find that the transport properties of strict BCS and Bogoliubov superfluids have very similar structures, albeit with different quasi-particle dispersion relations. While there is a dramatic contrast between the power law and exponential temperature dependence for η alone, the ratio η/s for both systems is more similar. Specifically we find the same linear dependence (on the ratio of temperature T to inverse lifetime γ(T )) with η/s ∝ T /γ(T ), corresponding to imperfect fluidity. By contrast, near the unitary limit of BCS-BEC superfluids a very different behavior results, which is more consistent with near-perfect fluidity.