How to quote this article:Pessoa VLMP, Silva JNG, Cestari VRF, Florêncio RS, Freitas TC, Justino PRS. Outpatient nursing care: perception of the heart transplant patients on outpatient nursing consultation. Rev Fun Care Online. 2017 out/dez; 9(4): 984-989. DOI: 9789/2175-5361.2017.v9i4. 984-989
ABSTRACTObjective: This study aimed to know the perception of cardiac transplant patients in relation to nursing consultation at a clinic in Transplant and Heart Failure Unit ( THFU). Method: Descriptive study of qualitative approach, conducted in the THFU of a public hospital, located in Fortaleza, Ceará, from July to November 2013, with 11 heart transplant patients. The discourses were collected through a semi-structured interview and organized according to the theoretical principles of hermeneutics. Results: Patients showed the impact suffered by the heart transplant and demonstrated satisfaction in welcoming the professionals, Nurse graduated from the State University of Ceará (UECE) in 2016. She has experience in Nursing, with emphasis on Cardiac Nursing, acting mainly on the following topics: nursing, chronic heart diseases and care in chronicity. Experience in conducting data collection for four research projects, in the application of interviews / forms in a tertiary hospital, university and high schools. Researcher and member of the Research Group Epidemiology, Care in Chronicities and Nursing (GRUPECCE). especially the nurse. They expressed the recognition of the provided guidelines, the changes set out in this process and the relations between nurses and patients. Conclusion: The heart transplant patient understood that the nurse acts in a humanized, welcoming way, creating bonds and promoting the self-care to ensure improvements in health, through the outpatient nursing consultation. Descriptors: Heart transplantation, Hospital clinic, Nursing.
RESUMENObjetivo: El trabajo tuvo como objetivo conocer la percepción de pacientes trasplantados de corazón en relación a la consulta de enfermería en un Ambulatorio en la Unidad de Trasplante y Insuficiencia Cardíaca (UTIC).Método: Estudio descriptivo, con un abordaje cualitativo, realizado en la UTIC de un hospital público, localizado en Fortaleza, Ceará, de julio a noviembre de 2013, con 11 pacientes trasplantados cardíacos. Los discursos fueron obtenidos a través de una entrevista semiestructurada y organizados según los fundamentos teóricos de la hermenéutica. Resultados: Los pacientesmostraronel impactosufrido por eltrasplante de corazóny la satisfacciónde la bienvenidade los profesionales, especialmente a la enfermera. Expresaronreconocimiento delas directrices, de los cambios establecidos eneste procesoy de la relación entre laenfermera y el paciente. Conclusión: Eltrasplantado de corazónentiende quela enfermeraactúa de una manera humana, con gusto, crea vínculosy promueveel auto cuidadopara garantizarmejoras en la salud, a través de la consulta ambulatoria de enfermería. Descriptores: El trasplante de corazón,Clínica de un hosp...