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ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 Words)Gene therapy holds great promise for treatment of breast cancer. In particular, clinical trials are underway to apply therapeutic genes related to pro-drug activation or to modulate the activity of oncogenes by blocking promoter sites. However, there are major problems in terms of assessing the delivery to target tissue, assessing the uniformity (versus heterogeneity) of biodistribution and determining whether the genes are expressed. We propose to design, evaluate and apply a novel approach to gene activity detection-specifically, using fluorinated substrates of P-galactosidase to reveal gene activity. Our prototype molecule PFONPG (para-fluoro-ortho-nitro-phenyl P3-D-galactopyranoside) is a direct analog of the traditional "yellow' biochemical indicator ONPG (ortho-nitro-phenyl 3-D-galactopyranoside). This shows useful MR characteristics, sensitivity to enzyme activity and ability to enter cells. We will synthesize analogs of this prototype to optimize MR and biological characteristics and explore the feasibility of tailoring the reporter to specific applications, e.g., exploiting P-gal activity to deliver specific physiological reporter molecules such as pH and potentially specific cytotoxic agents. The agents will be rigorously tested in solution, applied to cultured breast cancer cells and ultimately used to examine P-gal activity in vivo in transfected breast tumors in mice and rats.
NUMBER OF PAGESGene therapy, fluorine NMR, P-galactosidase, pH 127
IntroductionGene therapy holds great promise for treatment of breast cancer (1, 2). In particular, clinical trials are underway to apply therapeutic genes related to pro-drug activation or modulation of the activity of oncogenes by blocking promoter sites. However, there are major problems in terms of assessing the delivery to target tissue, assessing the uniformity (versus heterogeneity) of biodistribution and determining whether the genes are expressed. We propose to design, evaluate and apply a novel approach to gene activity detection-specifically, using fluorinated substrates of P3-galactosidase to reveal gene activity. Our prototype molecule PFONPG (para-fluoro-ortho-nitro-phenyl [3-D-galactopyranoside) is a direct analog of the traditional "yellow' biochemical indicator ONPG (ortho-nitro-phenyl 13-D-galactopyranoside).This shows useful MR characteristics, sensitivity to enzyme activity ...