. 64,987 (1986).The ' "~e Mossbauer spectra for (CF3)2Te and (C6FS)2Te have been recorded and exhibit significantly larger quadrupole splittings (14.02 and 13.40 mm s-' respectively) than those of Me2Te (10.5 mm s-') and Ph2Te (1 1 .O mm s-I). The dihalides (CF3)2TeX2 and (C6$s)2TeX2 (X = F, C1,Br) have consistently smaller quadrupole splittings than the dihalides Me2Tex2 and Ph2TeX2. These observations are consistent with the greater electronegativity of the CF3 and C6F5 ligands. The l Z 5~e nmr chemical shifts of (C6F5)Te and its dihalides show a consistent trend to more positive values (increased deshielding) as the electronegativity of the ligands attached to tellurium increases ((C&)Te, 297.6 ppm; (C6FS)2TeF2, 1060 ppm). However, for (CF3)2Te and its dihalides a more complex pattern is observed which may be explained by changes in the mean electronic excitation term in the Ramsey paramagnetic shielding term. [Traduit par la revue]