We report a case of a one year female who presented to us with extrusion of ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt catheter through anus. The child was brought to us with complaint of swelling over nape of the neck at 12 days of life when she was diagnosed as a case of Dandy walker malformation with large subtorcular occipital meningocoel [Table/ Fig-1] for which she went underwent excision. The child later developed hydrocephalus at six months of age for which a ventriculo peritoneal shunt was done and the child was discharged in a satisfactory condition.Six months later the child was brought back to us with complaint of shunt tube protruding through anus and was draining clear cerebrospinal fluid [Table/ Fig-2]. On admission, she was conscious, active, and neurologically normal, with depressed anterior fontanalle and without signs of meningitis. Her abdomen was soft without any abnormality.The child was taken to operation theatre and the distal end of the catheter was pulled out through the rectum after division of the shunt just below the reservoir ( this was done to avoid catheter track contamination ) and the ventricular end was send for culture and sensitivity. This was followed by intravenous antibiotics in anti aBstRaCt Aim of this paper is to report a case of extrusion of Ventriculo peritoneal shunt tube through anus in a one year female child ( k/c/o dandy walker malformation ) treated with placement of ventriculo peritoneal shunt for post operative hydrocephalus after excision of Subtorcular occipital meningocoel. The exact cause of such extrusion is not known. Unusual migration of distal catheter tip of VP shunt is a rare and bowel perforation is reported to occur between 0.1% and 0.7%. The possible factors responsible for this complication are thin bowel wall in children, sharp and stiff end of the VP shunt, use of trocar by some surgeons, chronic irritation by the shunt, previous surgery, infection and silicone allergy. In view of the potential for meningitis prompt and aggressive management is essential to avoid morbidity and mortality.keywords: Extrusion through anus, Hydrocephalus, Meningocoel, Ventriculoperitoneal shunt meningitic doses. The child was observed carefully and an external ventricular drain was put once the anterior fontanalle started bulging on second postoperative day despite anti oedema medication. The plan was to reinsert new VP shunt once the culture reports were obtained. The ventricular end was sterile on culture. But the child was discharged against medical advice and was lost to follow up.