Modern embedded multi-processors can execute several streamprocessing applications concurrently. Typically, these applications are partitioned into tasks that communicate over buffers together forming a task graph. The fact that these applications are started and stopped by the user combined with the knowledge that not all applications are necessarily completely characterised makes it attractive to use run-time scheduling. We define and characterise a class of budget schedulers that by construction bound the interference from other applications. Furthermore, we will show that the worst-case effects of these schedulers can be included in dataflow process networks. The execution of the resulting dataflow process network is shown to result in tight and conservative bounds on the end-to-end temporal behaviour of the execution of the task graph on a cycle-true simulator. Given that the inter-task synchronisation of the application allows for a dataflow model that is functionally deterministic, this enables exploration of various buffer capacities and scheduler settings at a high level of abstraction.