Two techniques have been used in this study to boost energy output of an on-grid PV system. Boosting energy output is achieved by educating the PV solar system performance parameters. Planar concentrators and cooling are two techniques used to boost energy output. The current solar PV system is placed in Baghdad/Al-Taji. This work includes improving the following performance parameters: performance ratio (PR), array efficiency, array yield, electrical energy, as well as solar irradiation. All of these improvements are accomplished by improving solar irradiance using planar concentrators (made of aluminum metal) and cooling (via water). The monthly daily average of energy produced for enhanced and reference PV modules is 14.2 kWh and 11.1 kWh, respectively. The monthly daily average of the array yield to the enhanced PV modules and reference PV modules is 7.14 kWh/kWp and 5.61 kWh/kWp, respectively. The monthly daily average of solar irradiation to the enhanced and reference PV modules is 7.71kWh/m2 and 6.101kWh/m2, respectively. The monthly daily average efficiency and performance ratio of the enhanced and reference PV modules are 14.3% & 93.6%, and 13.9% & 91.1%, respectively. The maximum average monthly temperatures of the enhanced and reference PV modules are in July, at 48.5OC and 57.4OC respectively, where the ambient air temperature is 42.1OC. The novel aspect of this work is the successful optimization of the performance (PR) parameters of an on-grid PV system using the new equations. Besides from designing a novel system to improve the performance of solar PV modules of the second generation (CIGS).