The spectrum used by Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) allows for a signal with a greater bandwidth by spreading electromagnetic energy. Multi-Carrier CDMA (MC-CDMA) is a telecommunications numerousentrée strategy that spreads each user symbol across the frequency domain with distinct codes. Cognitive Radio (CR) is a vibrant spectrum admittance enabling technology by dynamically allocating space for fundamental users by modifying its settings and base station. Two models for people on the cognitive spectrum are Opportunistic Spectrum Access (OSA) and Concurrent Spectrum Access (CSA). Using Co-Channel Interference (CCI) and Adjacent Channel Interference (ACI), the MC-CDMA system is an effective accessing strategy for multi-user data transmission (ACI). Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) involving Space-Time Transmit Diversity (STTD), Spatial Multiplexing (SM), and collaborative MIMO is used for numerous data communication, and dependable Bit Error Rate (BER) presentation is attained. STBC (Space Time Block Coding) is equipped with two antennas and codes for data transmission across multiple antennas. At the receiver, STBC offers channel state information while maintaining a low level of complexity. The image’s pixels will be shuffled using Arnold’s Cat Map (ACM) encryption method. When compared to other compression methods, Integer Wavelet Transform (IWT) compression is stress-free. The Internet of Things (IoT) is used to examine tracklatency and power stages, STTD MC-CDMA faultoutput utilizing cognitive spectrum, and channel simulated parameterization. The output on fault levels with patient caring using Stanford University Interim (SUI) and Long Term Evolution (LTE) techniques with a Double STTD (DSTTD) assisted MC-CDMA cognitive spectrum system.