Blockchain technology enables users to connect without the need for a third party or central server. This is achieved through the use of a decentralized system, ensuring that all data and information transacted are encrypted, verified, validated, and stored using mathematical consensus algorithms. This leads to blockchain being recognized as a technology characterized by decentralization, security, anonymity, transparency, immutable data, and trust. Blockchain is frequently associated with digital currency, although digital currency is just one of the outcomes of applying blockchain technology, resulting in cryptocurrencies. Currently, blockchain technology is a trend among academics and practitioners who are researching and developing blockchain technology for application in various domains, including government. Government systems and public servants often encounter issues related to data security. Hence, the research has the purpose to offer comprehension and perspectives on implementing blockchain technology within the government sector to enhance public service information security. The research was carried out by reviewing Scopus-indexed international articles published between 2019 and 2023, which are relevant to frameworks, consensus algorithms, and applications employed in the governmental domain. The research outcomes revealed that the Hyperledger Fabric framework, coupled with the Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) algorithm, is the most suitable option for potentially developing blockchain-based government or public service applications for future implementation. Regarding this research, there are future challenges in the form of constructing prototypes and evaluating their effectiveness and efficiency. Therefore, further research and development efforts are essential to ensure that the application of blockchain technology in the government sector can be realized as required in the future.