DOI: 10.1109/twc.2011.11.101798
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Performance Analysis of Two-Way Relaying with Non-Coherent Differential Modulation

Abstract: Abstract-This work focuses on a two-way denoise-andforward relaying system using non-coherent Differential Binary Phase-Shift Keying (DBPSK) modulation, which has the welldefined relay denoising function when channel state information is unknown. We first design the relay denoising function and source decoders using Maximum Likelihood (ML) principles for the general case with parallel relays. As the ML denoising function is hard to manipulate, we approximate it as a multi-user detector followed by a physical l… Show more

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Cited by 43 publications
(33 citation statements)
References 22 publications
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“…The idea of network coding is to mix different source messages at the relay nodes to form a single networkcoded message, based on which all the end nodes may still be able to extract the desired information. In practice, the source data can be combined in the finite field through digital network coding (DNC) [4]; however, as the relay nodes may decode the wrong messages, the decoding errors would propagate to the intended receivers and lower the diversity performances [5]. Alternatively, the source data can also be combined in the complex field through analog network coding (ANC) [6], in which the intermediate nodes no longer need to decode the source messages.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The idea of network coding is to mix different source messages at the relay nodes to form a single networkcoded message, based on which all the end nodes may still be able to extract the desired information. In practice, the source data can be combined in the finite field through digital network coding (DNC) [4]; however, as the relay nodes may decode the wrong messages, the decoding errors would propagate to the intended receivers and lower the diversity performances [5]. Alternatively, the source data can also be combined in the complex field through analog network coding (ANC) [6], in which the intermediate nodes no longer need to decode the source messages.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Based on AF and DF, there are generally two kinds of wireless network coding schemes, i.e., analog network coding (ANC) [5] and physical-layer network coding (PLNC) [6]. In PLNC, the coding is performed in the finite field; however, only half of the degrees of spatial diversity may be leveraged when there exists random decoding error at the relays [7], and special relaying and detection schemes have to be employed to achieve full diversity [8], which complicates the associated transceiver design. On the other hand, in ANC the source messages are directly combined in the signal space and consequently no relay decoding is required.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In [15], a set of differential demodulators are developed, and the BER performance is studied in [16] [17]. A relay selection strategy without requiring CSI is developed in [18].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%