The series of a thriftiness is unfathomably reliant upon organization as well as ideal utilization of cash safes and most extreme to a great extent practical capacity of the beautiful areas, of which the financial area has a genuinely imperative influence. The financial area helps in the incitement of capital compliance, creation, and adaptation notwithstanding the assistance of monetary approach. It's basic to exactly gauge and take apart the presentation of banks to guarantee a solid financial framework and a powerful moderation. surveying the Indian financial area is definitely not a simple errand. There are so various variables, which should be dealt with while secerning great banks from awful bones. To assess the presentation of the financial area we've picked the CAMEL model since it estimates the exhibition of banks from every one of the significant boundaries like Capital Adequacy, implies Quality, Management Efficiency, Earning Quality, and Liquidity. The current review centers around the assessment of the presentation of two public area banks in Tamil Nadu. The information of the example banks for a three-time frame period from 2019-2021 has been gathered from the intermittent reports of the banks.