Performance and impedance characteristics of porous molybdenum and tungsten electrodes, to which Na2MoO4 and Na2WO4, respectively, have been added, are significantly altered from the characteristics of similar but untreated electrodes. High initial power levels are more persistent in treated electrodes, and regeneration during discharge is observed during initial stages of degradation. Sheet resistances of treated electrodes at T > 1000 K are higher but decrease as performance degradation proceeds. AC impedance complex plane plots show an enhanced, high frequency, potentialindependent RC loop due to the ionic conducting molten salt and a large capacitance in the low frequency, potentialdependent loop due to a greatly increased interfacial area, as well as a reaction at the electrode/solid electrolyte and molten salt interface in the case of Na2MoOgMo electrodes. Corrosion of the porous electrode by Na2MoO4 or Na2WO4 to form Na2M0306 and WO2, respectively, and recrystallization of the molybdenum or tungsten as the salt evaporates, results in major morphological changes including loss of columnar structure and a significant increase in porosity. This effect is more pronounced in Na2MoO4/Mo electrodes due to the lower stability of Na2MoO4 relative to compounds with intermediate oxidation states of Mo. If there is not a very large accompanying increase in sheet resistance, the resulting electrode may retain significant improved performance after loss of the molten salt.) unless CC License in place (see abstract). address. Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see Downloaded on 2014-11-01 to IP ) unless CC License in place (see abstract). address. Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see Downloaded on 2014-11-01 to IP