This article presents an integrative review of the literature pertaining to the Continuous Professional Development (CPD)regarding the needs of in-service English language teachers (INSELTs) at the tertiary level. The review encompassesQualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods previous studies related to CPD for INSELTs. Full texts were screened inthe review process. The review brings together multiple themes of literature convened around three themes: (1) constructof CPD, (a) areas and principles of CPD, (2) need of CPD of INSELTs’ training, (3) support for CPD programmes. Thekey findings of the review illustrate the research gap, to address English language teachers’ needs in providing CPDtraining and professional learning opportunities to in-service teachers at tertiary level. This approach improvises thequality of teaching and learning needs of INSELTs. The results of the review demonstrate that; high quality professionaldevelopment is considered as the soul of teaching practices. The review put forth recommendations that EducationLeadership and Management (ELM) should plan Annual Mentoring Programmes (AMP) at different levels of teachers’training inland and abroad in terms of enhancing their professional competence of INSELTs. The study contributestheoretically with empirical findings in the field of applied linguistics. Additionally, article concludes a need to work onteacher education programmes at tertiary level.