[a] 1IntroductionFabricated by cost-effective solution processing,p olymer solar cells have attracted considerable attention in the last decade.[1] Thep erformance of polymer solar cells has been improved by new organic materials,device engineering, and manufacturing processes.T he PCE of organic solar cells is 8-11 %w ith new materials and novel device structure. [2,3] There are two important factors for organic solar cells -efficiencyand stability.T he invertedstructure of polymer solar cells has caught wide attentionb ecause of its good performance in efficiency and stability.Thermal stability is one of the important aspectso fi nverted polymer solar cells,a nd the active layer is ak ey contributor to this stability.T he active layer of polymer solar cells is composed of ap olymer donor and af ullerene-derived acceptor. Thel ayer has the tendency to rapidly coarsen when annealed above its glass transition temperature.[4] Thed istribution of donor and acceptor molecules is crucial for maximizing the photovoltaicp erformance.T he phase separation of donor and acceptor domains improves charge transport to the electrodes.A large contact area between donor and acceptor aids holeelectron pair generation, and thus,afinely interpenetrating donor-acceptor network is favored in the active layer. Thei nterpenetrating donor-acceptor networks and the phase separation are very sensitivet ot hermal treatments. Elevated processing and operating temperatures are real challenges to the thermal stabilityo fi nverted polymer solar cells,w hich mustb es olved priort op ractical applications.T ypically during the thermal treatmentp rocess, the distributiono ft he fullerene material in the blend is very difficult to control.Thef ullerene derivative PCBM has ag lass transition temperatureo fa bout 110-140 8C. [5,6] It is very important to fix the phase separation between PCBM andt he polymer after evaporationo ft he processing solvent. However, above glass transition temperature,f ullerene molecules start to slowly aggregatea nd form micrometer-sized crystals. [4,7,8] Overgrown crystalsofPCBM cause adramatic decrease in PCE. [9,10] Manyr esearch groups have explored strategies to control the donor-acceptori nterfaces in the active layer. Thef irst approachi nvolves cross-linking reactions of the polymer [11,12] or fullerene [13,14] in the active layer. Thec ross-linked molecules preventf urther coarsening of the polymera nd fullerene phases and improve thermals tability.H owever, cross-linkingr eactions Abstract:I nt his study,w ef ocused on the thermal stability of organic solar cells based on poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and (6,6)-phenylC 61 -butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM), fabricated by blends of P3HT :PCBM :pentacene. Enhanced thermal stability of organic solarc ells was achieved by introducingp entacene (Pc)i nto blendso f P3HT :PCBM in organics olar cells with the structure indium tin oxide/ZnO/P3HT :PCBM :Pc/poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) :polystyrene sulfonate/Ag (ITO/ZnO/ P3HT :PCBM :Pc/PEDOT:PSS/Ag). The donor-acce...