Free space optics (FSO) technology has been used recently in many applications due to its various advantages such as high bandwidth, easy deployment, high security, free installation license and immunity to electromagnetic interference. However, this type of communication is vulnerable to meteorological conditions such as rain, haze and fog which significantly degrade the system's efficiency. To enhance the effectiveness of the FSO systems, Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) modulation based on coherent detection constitutes a promising technique for achieving high spectral efficiency and long‐distance FSO links with the characteristics of low‐cost implementation and simple design. This work aims to investigate the performance of FSO communication links on image transmission under the presence of atmospheric attenuations. A comparative study has been made using QPSK modulation scheme and on–off‐keying (OOK) modulation scheme to estimate the maximum range that was used to recover an RGB transmitted image over an FSO link under different meteorological weathers. The obtained results clearly show that the quality of the received image has degraded significantly during transmission through free space yielding to limit the propagation range. Moreover, the proposed FSO communication system performs well when using QPSK modulation rather than OOK modulation in different environmental conditions. Thus, to improve the quality of the received image under adverse fog weather condition, high power and small beam divergence angle have been suggested to increase system's performance. The proposed solution increases the communication range of the FSO link by 230 m and 100 m for moderate and heavy fog, respectively.