Highlights:Graphical/Tabular Abstract Cosine modulated filter bank design. Cascade method. Investigation of the effects of filter order on the filter bank design. ECG signal application.In this study, a new cosine modulated filter bank design is proposed by using window functions. The prototype filter of the filter bank is designed with cascade use of the Gaussian window function and Kaiser window function in the proposed method. The filter bank designed using proposed prototype filter and discrete cosine transform is analyzed for four different number of channels and different filter lengths. The proposed method is compared with the designs using Kaiser and Gaussian window functions. According to the results, it is seen that the proposed method gave better results than the others in terms of peak reconstruction error. It is shown that the proposed prototype filter has better stop band attenuation values than the compared ones in the literature. At the end of the study, the application of two filter banks with different channel numbers for the proposed method in the ECG signal is given. Cascade Method Window Function1 Window Function 2 Prototype Filter Filter Bank Design ECG signal Application Figure A. Stages of the proposed study.Purpose: The aim of the study is to design a high performance prototype filter for the cosine modulated filter banks. Optimizing the prototype filter means optimization of the filter bank.
Theory and Methods:In this study, window functions are used to design the filter bank. One of the easiest and most efficient way to design a digital filter is using window functions. There are lots of window functions proposed by different researchers in the literature. Some window functions, called adjustable window functions, have adjustable parameters that allow selection of desired ripple and attenuation parameters. In this study, Kaiser and Gaussian windows are chosen as the adjustable window functions to design the cosine modulated filter bank due to their advantages in the application. The prototype filter of proposed method is obtained by cascading the Kaiser and Gaussian windows. The uniform filter bank is performed using the proposed prototype filter.
Results:The performance of the proposed method is compared with the filter banks designed with a single window function as well as with some other studies in the literature. According to the results, it has seen that the proposed method gave better results than the others in terms of peak reconstruction error and stopband attenuation. Finally, an ECG (Electrocardiography) signal application is included to the study to evaluate the performance of the proposed filter bank in terms of amplitude distortion and correlation.
Conclusion:It has been shown that the proposed prototype filter has better performance values than the compared ones in the literature. At the end of the study, the ECG signal application of the two filter banks which have different channel numbers is given. For the same filter order, the correlation is increased related...