The Line Drawing Animation is an active research area in Non-Photorealistic Rendering. Many researchs are focused on the skech abastract, like such as portrait drawing of human and animation generation. However most of the model are too complex to calculate or pay attention to the details which are not stable that are not suitable for realtime transfer for continuous sequence of video. This paper proposes a simple line drawing definition and transfer model with Bézier Curves and the core of the AAM fit parameters. The facial line drawings have seven basic emotions include neutral, happiness, anger, disgust, fear, sadness and surprised. Each of the drawing in a specific model is consisted of a same set of cubic Bézier curves. The proposed model is suitabl for shape conbination anmition. In the experiment, the AAM method is used to get the facial features of the face and then find the nearest combination of the emotion to transfer to the line drawing model. The result shows that the method is simple and fast. Only a few of the parameters are needed to transfer that is suitable to record and communication.