TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
AbstractThe Kuparuk River Field, on the North Slope of Alaska, is an extremely complex system when predicting and managing produced gas and artificial lift gas. Encompassing an area of almost 200 square miles, it is one of the largest full-field waterfloods in the world. On a daily volume basis, it is the second largest miscible gas flood in the world, second only to Prudhoe Bay. The field has approximately 400 gas-lifted wells and a dozen wells on ESPs. Currently, the field is characterized as "formation gas constrained" because wells over a formation GOR of ~6000 scf/bbl must be shut-in. Fluids are processed and gas is compressed at three different processing plants, with some processes being shared between plants, and other processes being independent. Combined with a reservoir that is composed of two distinctly different sands, makes reservoir management and particularly gas management, an extremely challenging task.