A number of issues related to the construction of an information processing system in a Coriolis flow meter using simulation models are considered. The paper presents simulation models of a straight-tube Coriolis flowmeter built in a Matlab/Simulink simulation environment. A simulation of the operation of the flow meter under various conditions of the flow of a liquid medium was carried out, and external vibration effects were simulated on both the flowmeter and its pipeline elements. On the basis of the obtained experimental data, the parameters of the data processing system were selected. The problems of the influence of external influences and ways to eliminate it are considered. In addition to external influences that adversely affect the accuracy of measurements, various physical limitations determining the maximum achievable accuracy of Coriolis flowmeters are analyzed. The processes of dynamic changes in the physical properties of bodies related to their molecular structure are considered, as well as technical and technological processes that can make changes to the accuracy parameters of a measuring device due to the variation of parameters of structural elements.