a c m s i g c o m m ABSTRACT An aggregate congestion control mechanism, namely Probe-Aided MulTCP (PA-MulTCP), is proposed in this paper. It is based on MulTCP, a proposal for enabling an aggregate to emulate the behavior of multiple concurrent TCP connections. The objective of PA-MulTCP is to ensure the fair sharing of the bottleneck bandwidth between the aggregate and other TCP or TCP-friendly flows while keeping lightweightness and responsiveness. Unlike MulTCP, there are two congestion window loops in PA-MulTCP, namely the probe window loop and the adjusting window loop. The probe window loop constantly probes the congestion situation and the adjusting window loop dynamically adjusts the congestion window size for the arriving and departing flows within the aggregate.Our simulations demonstrate that PA-MulTCP is more stable and fairer than MulTCP over a wide range of the weight N in steady conditions as well as in varying congestion conditions. PA-MulTCP is also responsive to flow arrival/departure and thus reduces the latency of short-lived transfers. Furthermore, PA-MulTCP is lightweight, since it enjoys above advantages at the cost of only an extra probe window loop, which has a marginal influence on the implementation complexity. Finally, the design of PA-MulTCP decouples the congestion management from the other functionalities in the aggregate flow management. As a result, PA-MulTCP could be potentially applied to a wider range of scenarios, e.g. wireless TCP proxies, edge-to-edge overlays, QoS provisioning and mass data transport.