In this paper we discuss how we can use the session initiation protocol (SIP) to offer advanced services for mobile users over BT's 21st Century Network (21CN). We provide a brief overview of the advantages of using SIP and describe how SIP can play a vital role in today's and future heterogeneous networks, such as BT's 21CN. We demonstrate some advantages of using SIP for handover in these varied networks and we compare it against using other methods for handover, e.g. mobile IP.With the current and anticipated demand for users with multiple devices, we introduce the benefits of using SIP for personal mobility, including the concept of transferring sessions between a user's many and varied devices.We then consider quality of service issues that present themselves when moving frequently between varied, particularly wireless, networks with varying capabilities and congestion. We describe how we have used codec switching to cope with these adverse conditions, and consider the benefits of shifting the control of this adaptation to the network.This work centres on a custom-built test-bed together with our own real-time SIP-based videoconferencing application with codec switching capability. We present this test-bed, and results based on its use.