In the last decade, many enterprises have moved their software deployments to the cloud. As a result of this transmission, the cloud providers stepped ahead and introduced various new technologies for their offerings. People cannot gain the expected advantages from cloud-based solutions merely by transferring monolithic architecture-based software to the cloud since the cloud is natively designed for lightweight artifacts. Nowadays, the end user requirements rapidly change. Hence, the software should accommodate those accordingly. On the contrary, with Monolithic architecture, meeting that requirement change based on extensibility, scalability, and modern software quality attributes is quite challenging. The software industry introduced microservice architecture to overcome such challenges. Therefore, most backend systems are designed using this architectural pattern. Microservices are designed as small services, and those services are deployed in the distributed environment. The main drawback of this architecture is introducing additional latency when communicating with the inter-services in the distributed environment. In this research, we have developed a solution to reduce the interservice communication latency and enhance the overall application performance in terms of throughput and response time. The developed solution uses an asynchronous communication pattern using the Redis Stream data structure to enable pub-sub communication between the services. This solution proved that the most straightforward implementation could enhance the overall application performance.