Phase-locked loop (PLL) systems play a crucial role in grid synchronization. Since variations on the grid voltage parameters are in general uncertain, the dynamics of PLLs are by nature nonlinear. This fact imposes a relevant challenge to guarantee their stability. Unfortunately, as argued in this paper, there is a remarkable lack of global stability tests even for the most common approaches, such as the synchronous reference frame (SRF). In this case, there is only available a small-signal-linearized-modelbased approach to stability. The main issue of resorting to local conclusions is that synchronization is forced to operate under conservative conditions, where large-signal variations are forbidden. Needless to say, this has a detrimental impact on applications, since performance is limited by small disturbance assumptions. Motivated by this problem, in the present work, we provide global asymptotic stability tests for two fundamental PLL algorithms. Namely, the conventional SRF-PLL and the enhanced SRF-EPLL. To do so, we use a Lyapunov approach acting directly on nonlinear trajectories. Consequently, the provided stability proofs do not rely on any linearization technique, frequency-domain conversion, or small-signal model representation. The main contribution in this paper is a set of stability conditions that are valid in a global sense. Moreover, it is shown that these results have direct practical implications in the form of new robust PLL gain tuning guidelines.