-In their previous work the authors had studied various combinations of MANET routing protocols and mobility models. The parameters of performance evaluation varied significantly with the choice of mobility models. Guided by these results, a new hybrid mobility model is proposed which appears more natural in a setting where MANETs are used. This hybrid model combines Reference Point Group Mobility (RPGM) in the initial phase, followed by the Random Waypoint Mobility (RWP) in the second phase. The hybrid model is tested with the three widely used routing protocols, DSDV, AODV and DSR, for varying MANET areas. The performance metrics used are Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR), end to end delay and throughput. The NS-2 simulation tool is used for the study. The results for the hybrid model are compared with the results for the RWP model, which is the default mobility model for MANETs. It is found that the hybrid model performed much better than RWP on all performance parameters, suggesting its use as a default mobility model in MANETs.