Given the continually increasing amount of commercial Cloud services in the
market, evaluation of different services plays a significant role in
cost-benefit analysis or decision making for choosing Cloud Computing. In
particular, employing suitable metrics is essential in evaluation
implementations. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is not any
systematic discussion about metrics for evaluating Cloud services. By using the
method of Systematic Literature Review (SLR), we have collected the de facto
metrics adopted in the existing Cloud services evaluation work. The collected
metrics were arranged following different Cloud service features to be
evaluated, which essentially constructed an evaluation metrics catalogue, as
shown in this paper. This metrics catalogue can be used to facilitate the
future practice and research in the area of Cloud services evaluation.
Moreover, considering metrics selection is a prerequisite of benchmark
selection in evaluation implementations, this work also supplements the
existing research in benchmarking the commercial Cloud services.Comment: 10 pages, Proceedings of the 13th ACM/IEEE International Conference
on Grid Computing (Grid 2012), pp. 164-173, Beijing, China, September 20-23,