Purpose: This study aims to formulating a regional food security model based on the relationship between the characteristics of production, consumption and entrepreneurship areas with the performance of the community's food business in NTT Province based on consumer perceptions.
Method: The research locations are in six areas in NTT namely Ende, Manggarai, West Manggarai, Southwest Sumba, North Central Timor and Kupang, which have Farmer Shops designated by the government as LUPM partners. Farm in six randomly selected government-defined blood. The distribution of sampling is done proportionally. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistics and non-parametric statistics, namely Partial Least Square (PLS).
Results and conclusion: The results of the structural model analysis based on consumer perceptions of rice show empirically strong evidence to accept the proposed hypothesis, namely the characteristics of production, consumption and entrepreneurship areas simultaneously affect the performance of PUPM in NTT Province in realizing food security.
Implications of the research: To achieve good PUPM performance, it is necessary to pay attention to consumer characteristics so that food security for the NTT community can be realized.
Originality/value: This research examines the consumption characteristics model through a community food business development program to achieve food security. Place, price, product, personality and motivation are important indicators that influence consumption characteristics. Capital, prices, task and result orientation, as well as increasing business profits of business actors are important indicators for improving the performance of community food business development through regional characteristics of production, consumption and entrepreneurship.