The present study assessed the extent to which kindergarten children's performance on the Uender-Crednlt Test is related to sex arid sociociilt.ura1 variables on the one hand, and to children's social behavior on the other hand. Two distinctly different. Israeli popillations were included: (a) The Druzerepresenting the tr:itlitional-authorit~~tivr cti!ttire, and (b) The Jews-representing the \Vesternised democrcttic society. Generally, the Jewish children were more socially active, and could ditrerentirtte and integrate the neiitral elements of the Bender-Gestalt Test much morc often than did the Druae children. Significant correlations bet ween percepkial indicators and social behaviors were found and suggest that the Uender-Gestalt Test can be used for assessing and understanding the nature of the child's social interactions and struggle for R position within the constl:tinls of his/her culture.Special place is given during thc kindergarten agc to the cognitive process of differentiation (Flavcll, 19G3), i.e., the ability to pcrceivc objccts as having unique qualitics distinct from other object,s. The progrcssivc perccptual differentiation is counteracted by the process of integration (Pepper, 19GG), in order to forestall feelings of confusion and insecurity. Cognitive processes can bc inferrcd only from cvidcnce relating to cognitivc products. At prcschool lcvcls these products are mainly scnsorimotor (Brainerd, 1973; Nclson, 1973; l'iagct, 1973).The cognitive processes also can be assesscd by copying thc Bender-Gcstalt Tcst, as reflccting tho rcsponsc of the I\-holc organism to thc total situation, which involves not only pcrccption but will and action (Bcnder, 1938). Taking this dynamic point of vicn-, assumptions can bc madc that: (a) A situation which generates varicd differentiatcd stimuli would call for morc differentiated and varicd responses, and (b) Thc morc divcrsificd and yet organizcd the pcrson's perception is, thc morc flexible and appropriately differentiated arc his interactions with his world (Bannistcr & RIair, 1968; Livcsley & Bromley, 1973) and the inorc appropriately differentiated are his responscs to ever-coming new stimuli, in contrast to the rcaction of sameness. Thus, children who can bettcr diffcrcntiatc and intcgratc their perceptual sphere, as manifestcd, for cxample, in thcir rcaction to a neutral stimulus like the Bender-Gestalt Test, also would be expccted to show thcir diffcrcntiation and intcgrativc ability in thcir rcaction t o a total social situation: to be rcccpt.ivc to others' ideas, and to initiate and organize divcrsc activitics toward a dcsircd goal within the allocated physical and human spacc. Porterfield (1969), Iioppitz (1973), and RIcCarthy (1975) found thc Bcnder results a t thc kindergarten lcvcl and a t tho end of thc first grade to be of some utility in predicting those children liable to bc easily frustrated in higher grades in school.---'The study was supported by a grant from the Faculty of Socid Sciences and Mathematics at the University of Haifa. The aut...