EXECUTIVE SUMMARYThe problem of the aging mass spectrometers coupled with lack of vendor support and no viable commercially available replacement presents risks for process control and monitoring in the Tritium Facilities. Therefore, several technologies were evaluated to maintain and, if possible, to enhance the current analytical capabilities provided by the existing mass spectrometers. These technologies included potential replacement/complement mass spectrometers as well as on-line sensors. Based on the results of this evaluation, the Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) makes the following recommendations.• Work should begin on implementation of the Quantra Fourier Transform-Ion CyclotronResonance (FT-ICR) as a complement to the existing mass spectrometers or as an on-line process analyzer. In its current configuration, the instrument can measure masses 12 or greater, with a resolution of 30,000 at mass 28, and 100 part per million detection limit using ion ejection of major ions. Thus, the 16-24 mass region that is not so easily separated by the existing Tritium Facility mass spectrometers could be resolved and measured using the FT-ICR. For the FT-ICR (Quantra) to be of even more benefit to the Tritium Facilities, it should be reengineered to provide analysis of masses 2-1000 in a single scan as well as other hardware and software improvements identified during our evaluation (i.e. long term stability, quantitative analysis of mixtures, etc.). In collaboration, SRS, LANL, and Y12 have secured funding for this project and the re-engineering effort will begin in FY06. Once the re-engineering effort is complete, funding will be required for performance testing and implementation in a tritiated environment as well as validation with the design agency.• The bench top magnetic sector mass spectrometer (GCMATE) technology closely matches that of the existing mass spectrometers in the Tritium Facilities. The initial work with the GCMATE indicates that its resolution and sensitivity meet the requirements of a replacement mass spectrometer for the Tritium Facilities. Although this instrument appears to be the most promising as a replacement for the existing mass spectrometers, delayed funding in FY05 precluded a complete evaluation. Therefore, evaluation of this instrument should continue in FY06.• Fiber optic Raman Spectroscopy has been demonstrated as a useful on-line technology for measurement of hydrogen isotopes at a concentration of greater than 1%. The method should be demonstrated on a process containing tritium. Upon successful demonstration in a tritium process, the method should then be implemented on the Hydrogen-Tritium Thermal Cycling Adsorption Process (HT-TCAP) and other processes that would require a detection limit of 1% or greater. Research and development to improve the detection limit of the fiber optic Raman method should continue as this would allow on-line analysis of other process points (i.e. HT-TCAP product and raffinate, Tritium Process Stripper, etc.).• The on-line vapochromic sens...