This study was conducted to investigate the reproductive performance, milk yield, hair production, fleece characteristics and body weight after shearing of Hair goats (Anatolian Black Goats), bred under extensive conditions in Turkey. The material of the study was formed a total data of 456 Hair goats, which were between 2 and 7 years of age bred in the period of two years. Conception rate, infertility rate, abortion rate, kidding rate, single birth rate, twin birth rate, the percentage of kids born according to mated does and litter size were 97.81 %, 2.19 %, 3.59 %, 94.30 %, 97.91 %, 2.09 %, 96.27 % and 1.02, respectively. Lactation length, milk yield in lactation period, milking period and milk yield in milking period of goats were determined as 232.29 days, 100.92 kg, 132.09 days and 43.14 kg, respectively. Hair production, fibre diameter and staple length of Hair goats in the study were determined as 381.00 g, 76.70 micrones and 13.63 cm, respectively. It was found that the effects of production year and farm on the reproductive traits given by percentage weren't statistically significant, whereas the difference among production years for litter size was significant. It was found that the effect of production year on milk production traits except for lactation length and on the hair production; the effect of farm factor on the hair production, staple length and live weigth after shearing; the effect of age on the milk production traits, hair production traits and live weight after shearing; the effect of live weight on the hair production were statistically significant (p<0.05).Keywords: Hair goat, reproductive performance, milk yield, hair yield Zusammenfassung Titel der Arbeit: Leistungen einheimischer Haarziegen, gehalten unter extensiven Bedingungen in der Türkei. 1. Mitteilung: Reproduktionsleistungen, Milch-und Haarertrag In vorliegender Studie werden die Fortpflanzungsleistungen, die Milch und Haarerträge sowie Vlieseigenschaften und Körpergewichte nach der Schur von Haarziegen, die unter extensiven Bedingungen in der Türkei gehalten wurden, untersucht. Die Daten umfassen die zweijährigen Ergebnisse von 456 zwei bis sieben Jahre alten Geißen. Erfasst wurden die Trächtigkeits-, Unfruchtbarkeits-, Aufzucht-, Einlings-und die Zwillingsrate sowie der Anteil geborener Kitze je Geiß. Die Durchschnittswerte in % dieser Reihenfolge betrugen 97,81, 2,19, 3,59, 94,30, 97,91, 2,09, 96,27