This study contains the LoRa ES920LR test on obstruction or resistance conditions and its comparison with Free Space Path Loss (FSPL) using Drone means without obstacles. The ES920LR has 920 MHz frequency channel settings, 125 kHz Bandwidth, and SF 7-12, with 13 dBm Output Power. Comes with Sleep mode operation with Command Prompt based settings. The development board used is a leafony board, Leafony board is a board with a small size that is compatible with Arduino IDE, using a micro ATmega M328P microcontroller, this board is mounted tiled with complete facilities, e.g., a power supply board, four different sensor boards, MCU boards, communication boards e.g., WiFi and Bluetooth, specifically in this article using the LoRa ES920LR on the Leafony board, using LoRa because it requires a long range (km) and low power, and expansion boards that can be developed, Expansion to Leafony boards is expected to reduce the power consumption of the sensor node, lifetime, lif, small size, and lightweight. Furthermore, this algorithm is used to optimize LoRa Coverage and LoRa Lifetime. The results of receiving the FSPL LoRa 920LR have a Power Receiver (Pr) of 30 dB at a distance of 1 meter or A, at 500 meters 85 dB, 1500 meters 95 dB, 2.5km 100 dB. Attenuation is caused by distance, although not significant, other factors are obstacles or obstacles, bad weather (rain, snow).